Abrazame Bien! Practica Hosted By Dardo. This is a practica for all dedicated dancers: dancers who have spent years of hard work, practice, and perseverance to become great; less experienced dancers ready to put in the hard work, practice and perseverance to become great as well. If you have drive, we want you here!
And to introduce interested students to DGS and to tango will we also be offering a free class, taught by a special guest teacher each week, from 6:30-7:30pm. This class is free for first time students (so, my faithful and dedicated students, spread the word!) and we will be offering a special practica rate of $10 for anyone who is interested in continuing to dance after. As always, Abrazame Bien! is free for DGS students and $10 for everyone else.
Fridays at DGS:
Tango Fundamentals/Introduction to Tango: 6:30-7:30pm, FREE for first time students
Abrazame Bien! 7:30pm until the wine runs dry!