Malevaje, with Dardo Gallettos Studios, Proudly Presents:
Queer Milonga. Saturday April 7th
Hosted by:
Walter Perez y Leonardo Sardella
First Saturday of Every Month, 8:30pm – 1:30 am
Admission: $15
8:30pm – 9:30pm • Free Class
With Walter Perez & Leonardo Sardella
9:30pm – 1:30am • Milonga! Dance the night away and remember to switch it up!
Queer Tango is about breaking boundaries
Boundaries of sexuality; of gender; of heteronormative roles. It’s a way for Argentine Tango to embrace members of the LGBT community, and it also offers opportunities for all dancers to straighten their skills by studying both roles.
Leader/follower role reversal can help us to grow as dancers. It can help us to better understand our partners’ needs, learn to listen better, communicate with more strength, and be more empathetic to the unique challenges faced in the other role by putting ourselves in our partners’ shoes.