Nelly Fernando & Jose Luis Ferraro, Tango Workshops, May 9 – 10

Tango Workshops with

Nelly Fernando & Jose Luis Ferraro

May 9 & 10

Sat, May 9 Nellyfor flyer

4:00pm – 5:30pm:Tango Salon (open level)
5:45pm to 7:15pm: Milonga (open level)

Sun, May 10

4:30pm – 6:00pm: Tango & Musicality (inter -adv)
6:15pm – 7:45pm Milonga con Traspie (inter- adv)


1 workshop $40 online $45 door
2 workshops $75 online $80 door
3 workshops $105 online $110 door
4 workshops $125 online $ 130 door

Book your Private Lessons Now! Email us!


Nelida “Nelly” Fernando is a milonguera from the golden era of tango who has been dancing tango for more than sixty years, primarily with her now deceased husband Roberto “Pocho” Carreras. She was born and raised in Buenos Aires, the city where she still lives and where she has danced most of her life. Nelly’s teaching is based on using connection, communication and musicality as a source of creativity. Her continuous close embrace allows couples to comfortably circulate in space.
She will be joined by Jose Luis Ferraro, who has been dancing and teaching for 18 years in Europe, Asia and the United States and is well known as an instructor, dancer and choreographer in Buenos Aires. His style is very elegant, with strong influences from extensive study with the old milongueros.
Students of Nelly and Jose Luis benefit from the teachings of Nely’s historical knowledge of tango, music and dance, and Jose Luis’s ability to articulate this knowledge to make more sense to the newer generations. Jose Luis is a good partner for Nely, standing out in his own way, but still allowing Nelly to shine.


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