Tropical Tango: Upcoming Punta Cana Tango Festival!

Well, there’s no doubt about it – there’s a decided chill in the NYC air these days.

Do you ever find yourself mid-dance, daydreaming about tango-ing yourself out of a chilly, gray city and onto a vibrant, colorful, tropical beach? Being surrounded by like-minded dance lovers day and night?  Going from workshops, to the beach, to more workshops, to the spa, to a milonga, to a performance — and then doing it again the next day, all in the company of new friends?

So do we.

That’s why we’re happy to share this exciting news with you, fellow tangueros: our friends over at Punta Cana Tango Festival are offering up a tango-centric, beach-heavy, relaxation-required 4-day, 3-night getaway to (you guessed it!) Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. The adventure runs from February 10th-13th, 2012.  They’re offering up a basic, all-inclusive package for $699, or a VIP package for $1189.

You can find all the details here and the press release here.