“Amateur” Tango Company, directed by Agustina Videla, director of Social Tango. April 24 – June 12

Get ready to perform! Be part of an amateur tango company!
Learn a group choreography and get ready to perform in front of an audience. Perfect both your individual technique and musicality.


 April 24th to June 12th



A limited number of dancers will be selected. If you want to be one of them, send a short video of you dancing and fill the application form below. The final group will be announced on April 10th.
Once the dancers are selected, Agustina will conduct an 8 week program (3 hours per week) to build and perfect a group choreography suitable for public performances.

About The Director
Agustina Videla, a tango teacher and performer, both directed and choreographed the show “Social Tango” 
which was featured for 3 months at the theater of La Ribera, La Boca, Buenos Aires.
The Social Tango professional cast will tour the US, starting this November, including a week at the Joyce Theater in Manhattan. You will benefit from interactions with the cast as a member of the amateur company.

8 sessions of intense training to be part of a group choreography with the final showcase at the Milongas!
Every Friday from 6.30 to 9.30pm, April 24th to June 12th

Rates: $500 in advance before April 10 or $600

A limit number of dancers will be selected to participate and the final company members will be announced on April 10th.

For more info: www.socialtangoproject.com

April 8th: Deadline to submit your application.
April 9: Announcement of the selected dancers
April 10th: Date for the selected dancers to register at discount price.

– Couples are not required but equal number of leaders and follow will be balance so you have more chances to qualify registering in partners.
– Once the list of selected participants will be announced they are ask to confirm their attendance on April 10th.
– If there is people selected that can not attend the following dancer in the waiting list will be call for confirmation.

To get your application form send an email to: dardogalletodancestudios@gmail.com and amateurtangocompany@gmail.com

Application Form:
Phone number:
Date of Birth:
Number of Years of Tango Practice:
Who were your main teachers?. Have you participated in workshops and with which teachers? Single or Couples application? Partners Name:

Please describe In one paragraph why are you interested:

Application requires a photo and short video of you dancing. Please email the above application form along with photos and videos to dardogallettostudios@gmail.com

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